Psalms Lyrics

Eternal God (Psalm 90)

Praise the eternal God behold the eternal God
Before the earth began its flight before all the mountains were born
Long before the wind drew breath
Lord God  without end
Everlasting beyond all time

God sees all we do mistakes which we all make
Our lives in time all turn to dust
All those who went before
All swept away by dawn’s first light
So teach us holy Lord to number our days and at dawns first breaking light
Let the favour of the holy Lord
Be upon us be upon us evermore

You Made Them All for Me (Psalm 8)

When I see the works of thy hands
The wonders that flow all over the Earth
How the smallest flower can calm the mightiest sword
Who am I that you can so much for me

The bird in the air and the fish in sea
The stars in the sky that watch over me
The ant on the hill and the leaf on the tree
You made them all for me

I'm just a man no hero no King
Why should you spare a thought for me
It seems you've chosen all the weak to be the strong
The child to halt the enemies' song


The bird in the air and the fish in sea
The stars in the sky that watch over me
The ant on the hill and the leaf on the tree
You made them all for me

What did I do to deserve this
Why have you given this all to me
You gave me power over the seed that you planted
Why did you do this all for me.

The bird in the air and the fish in sea
The stars in the sky that watch over me
The ant on the hill and the leaf on the tree
You made them all for me

Mercy Me* (Psalm 51)

If you’re passing down my way
There’s something that I need
A heart that’s pure and true and a heart that doesn’t bleed
I’m begging on bended knee, with a sprit oh so strong
Let me on in let me on in

If you’re looking out my way
Have mercy on me
Kindness and compassion’s
What I need to set me free
I’m begging on bended knee with a sprit oh so strong let me on in let me on in

Mercy me, O Lord, come look down on me
Mercy me, O Lord reach out reach out to me
And if I have a heart that’s true
And a spirit that is strong
I can help to stop the sinners
When they’re going when they’re going wrong
Mercy me O Lord come look down on me
Mercy me O Lord reach out reach out to me

If you’re looking down my way
There’s something that I need
A heart that’s pure and true and a heart that doesn’t bleed
If you’re passing down my way
Have mercy on me,
Kindness and compassion’s
What I need to set me free
Wash this guilt away from me
Open up your heart to me
Let me on in let me on in
Mercy me O Lord come look down on me
Mercy me O Lord reach out reach out to me

The Lord is My Shepherd (Psalm 23)

The Lord is my shepherdI shall not want
He makes me lie down in pastures green
He leads me beside the waters so still
And there he restores restores my soul

He leadeth me in the path of righteousness
For his names sake even though I walk through the valley of death

I fear no evil for thou art with me
Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me
Thou preparest a banquet there before me
In the presence the presence of my enemies

Thou anoint my head with oil
My cup overflows surely thy goodness and thy mercy
Shall follow me all of my life

And I shall dwell in the house of the lord forever
And I shall dwell in the house of the lord forever
And I shall dwell in the house of the lord forever

The fool will say

The fool will say there is no God
Their mind corrupt no room for good
The lord looks down the lord looks down
To see who has wisdom within them

The fool will say follow me
The fool will say they’ll set you free
The lord looks down the lord looks down
To see who has wisdom within them

And they will mock a poor mans dreams
And they will rock a poor mans schemes
The good man who’s refuge is the lord

The lord looks down
The lord looks down
To see who has wisdom within them

Trust in the Lord (Psalm 37)

Trust in the Lord and do good
Trust in the Lord and do good
He will give to you all your heart desires
The Lord knows the ways of the pure in heart
Their kind will last forever
Trust in the Lord and do good
Trust in the Lord and do good
He will give to you, all your heart desires
The Lord knows the ways of the pure in heart
Their kind will last forever
Trust in the Lord and do good
Trust in the Lord and do good
He will give to you all your heart desires

How Long Oh Lord (Psalm 13)

Consider, and answer me my Lord
Re-store my strength don’t leave me here to die
I know that you’ve been good to me
I know that you will rescue me
So please answer me my Lord
I’ve trusted in your steadfast love
My heart will rejoice in thy salvation
I find these times so hard to bear
I need you Lord to hear my prayer
So please, answer me my Lord

How long oh Lord
Will you hide you face from me forever
How long, must I bear this pain in my soul
How long oh Lord, will my enemies prevail forever
How long till I see the light of your love

I’ve trusted in your steadfast love
My heart will rejoice in thy salvation
I find these times so hard to bear
I need you lord to hear my prayer
So please answer me my Lord

How long oh Lord  
Will you hide you face from me forever
How long; must I bear this pain in my soul
How long oh Lord, will my enemies prevail forever
How long till I see the light of your love
How long till I see the light of your love

Your Love

My soul will never forget, the things you give to me
Everyday you fill my life with goodness from the highest tree
Oh, however long or short my life turns out to be
Oh I know as high as the heaven above you love will always be there for me
You have so much patience with me even when I am wrong
You know all that I am you set me right and make me strong

Oh I promise always to do all you ask of me
From here until the furthers star is just how truest great your love is for me

Shar la lar, lar la lar lar. Lar lar lar lar la lar.
Do-be do, shuby-be do do. Do-by do -be do-be do

Oh how ever long or short my life turns to be
Oh I know as sure as heaven above your love will always be right there
There for me

If I Flew Away (Psalm 139)

If I flew away far beyond the east
You would still be there you would still be there
If I asked the night to hide me from your sight
You would still be there you would still be there

Lord, almight, you know all there is to me
My every breath, my every word, all my thoughts
Lord almighty you are all around me
There is nowhere I could ever hide from you

All the days of my life are already know
You knew all of me long before I was born
Lead me in your ways let me walk a path that’s true
Don’t let me hear the words of those against you

Look in my heart and guide me on my way
With every step keep me safe from harm
All of my life, keep me by your side


People of All the Earth (Psalm 75)

People of, all the Earth
God is King
Praise his name
Nations of all the Earth proclaim this God is King
From Ocean to cornfield from forest to seed
Let them sing triumphant In praise to the King    

Psalm 111

Great are the works of the Lord
They who have pleasure in them come to know them
Full of honour and majesty is his work
And his righteousness endures forever
He has caused his wonderful works to be remembered
The lord is gracious and merciful
He provides food for those who fear him
He is ever mindful of his covenant
He has shown his people the power of his works
The works of his hands are just and true
They are a source of strength forever and ever

If You Were My Judge* (Psalm 26)

To you I give my heart In you I place, all my trust
I know if you were my judge
You would only see the innocence in me

I will sing of how beautiful you are
I will tell of how wonderful you are
For my love for you is so true
So innocent and true

For you I’d walk through fire
With you I'll stand any test
Your love fills up my eyes
I can see in you a love that will be true

I will sing of how beautiful you are
I will tell of how wonderful you are
For my love for you is so true
So innocent and true

Psalm 102

Lord, let my cry come to thee
Do not hide thy face in my distress
Hear my call and answer me
My day pass away like smoke
My bones burn like a furnace and cleave to my flesh

I am but like a pelican in the wilderness
An owl watching over a dark deserted dwelling
Because of thy indignation and anger
Thou has taken me up and stuck me down

My days are like an evening shadow I am but withering grass
Thou hath broken my strength in midcourse and made short my days
But thou, Oh Lord are enthroned forever
Thy memorial endures form generation to generation
Nations fear thy name and all the Kings thy majesty
Thou didst lay the foundation of the earth
And the heavens are the work of thy hands
The children of thy servants shall dwell secure
Their posterity shall be established before thee

Peace (Psalm 4)

When I cried the God of my salvation answered me
He gave me room when I was in distress was gracious to me and heard my prayer
O men how long will your hearts be closed
How long will you love vain words, and seek what is false
It is the Lord who grants favours to those whom he loves
Tremble and sin not
Sit on your bed and be still
Make justice your sacrifice and trust in the Lord
What can bring us happiness many say
Lift up the light of thy countenance upon us oh Lord
You have put into my heart a greater joy than all the riches of the world
I will lie down in peace and sleep at once
For you alone Lord make me dwell in safety

Forever My Lord (Psalm 17)

There was a time not long ago I’d lost my way no way to go
You heard my cry received my prayer took the time to show you cared
I read your word followed your law I’ve found the truth
I can ask for no more

Your words are my light in my darkest day
Your words guide my heart to a better day
You are my shelters you are my shield
I trust in your word and my soul is healed

I’ve changed my ways I’ve done what’s right
I followed your rules now I’m in the light
My hands are clean from what’s gone before
Humbled myself now you’ve opened the door

Your words are my light in my darkest day
Your words guide my heart to a better day
You are my shelters you are my shield
I trust in your word and my soul is healed

Not so long ago my life had broken down not the perfect place to be
From up on high you came on down to me
You broke my chains and set me free

Forever my Lord I will praise your name
Forever my LordIt will be the same
Forever my LordI will know what’s true
Forever my Lord
My life belongs to you

Music by Robert Barham
Psalms text adapted by Robert Barham
Except * text adapted by Angela Inglese





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